Keep Your Boat and Dock Zebra and Quagga Mussel Free

mussell repellent

Repel zebra and quagga mussels for your boat, dock, slip or marina on any freshwater lake with Dock Disk invasive mussel defense


060Bio LLC is the maker of the Dock Disk, a zebra mussel and quagga mussel control and treatment that safely and easily repels mussels from destructive buildup on boats and infrastructure.

The invasive zebra and quagga mussels have been invading North American waters for nearly forty years and there are no signs of this invasion stopping any time soon.

060Bio LLC was formed in 2012 and has been manufacturing and distributing the only product that safely and easily combats these mussels. Their product, The Dock Disk, was developed to repel both zebra and quagga mussels, stopping their destructive build up on any protected structure.

The idea began in 2004 with Dr, John Sawyer testing for ways to deal with algae blooms in Oologah Lake, located in Oklahoma. The results of that testing yielded some effect on the algae, however, it was noted that no mussel build up had occurred on the equipment, leading to the theory that what was being developed would target the invasive mussels.

It would not be until 2012 that the development of a product would come from that testing. Dr, Sawyer and Paul Coxe, CEO of 060Bio LLC, had designed the delivery system that became the Dock Disk. Paul, along with James Gregath, Dan Harwood and Scott Lang then formed the company 060Bio LLC.

Combating the Zebra and Quagga Mussel Problem

060Bio’s intent has been to target marinas and small, private dock owners who need a solution to keeping their boats and infrastructure clean and free of mussel build up. Because of the great deal of time, energy and money that go into mussel clean up, other activities become limited or even eliminated altogether.

Dock DiskThe Dock Disk gives boat and dock owners an effective tool in the fight against the zebra and quagga mussels, freeing up time and resources that can be put to use elsewhere.

The Dock Disk is anti-mussel technology that will repel and control zebra and quagga mussels around your boat, slip, dock or marina on any freshwater lake; it is simply an all around game changer for those who thought there was nothing that could be done about mussel buildup on boats and infrastructure. Once the surfaces of the items to be protected, boats, docks, etc. have been cleaned of the mussels, the Dock Disk can be deployed to maintain a mussel free zone.

How Dock Disk Repels Mussels

Each Dock Disk has a coverage area that extends approximately seven and a half feet from center in all directions; anything within that area will be mussel free for six months. The patented Dock Disk becomes activated once in the water and the ebb and flow of the water keeps the ionic exchange working for the life of the disk. Once the energy of the disk has been used, about six months, the disk can be pulled from the water and replaced with a new one for another six months of coverage.

dock disk mussel repellent systemThe Dock Disk is the only product of its kind developed to combat the zebra and quagga mussels. It is an environmentally friendly, safe and easy to use product that will keep the mussels from building up where they are not wanted without doing any harm to the aquatic environment they are in. The disks use natural materials to repel the mussels and are made of a foam material that can be recycled at the end of their lifespan.

The Dock Disk anti-mussel technology can do more than repel zebra and quagga mussels around your boat and dock. Zebra and quagga mussel treatment areas can be created around any structure or equipment that is in the water. From simple intake pumps for watering the home owner’s lawn to larger commercial intakes for industrial applications, the technology can be applied in a custom manner that will repel zebra and quagga mussels, keeping the equipment clean and free from mussel build up.


For more information about the Dock Disk and how it can help solve your mussel problem, go to


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