Tips For Preventing Back Pain While Boating

boating back pain

Boating can be a great experience, but it is also very physically demanding. You get off the boat after a day of sun and spray, only to realize that you are stiff as a board the next day. Why is this? On top of requiring movements that you may not usually perform, boating creates unusual circumstances that can put strain on your back.

The good news is that you can prevent much of the aching and soreness the next day. With these tips, you can enjoy a day on the boat without worrying about the excess stress on your body.

Wear Proper Gear

Proper clothing makes the difference between free movement and a struggle that creates pain over time. As a rule, you should wear clothing that provides protection from the elements without hindering movement. Aim for comfortable clothing that isn’t too snug, so you don’t have to strain to reach or climb. Select shoes that protect your feet and provide some support for your arches. Be sure to break them in before you go boating to avoid blisters, welts and other discomforts.

Stretch in Advance

Stretching allows you to relax and strengthen your muscles in advance of physical activity. If you wouldn’t run several miles without stretching first, you should consider the same for a boat outing. Run through the regular tasks that you can expect to do and perform at least one stretch for each muscle group. Popular stretches to prepare for boating include:

  • Lunges
  • High knees
  • Squats
  • Shoulder stretch
  • Lying lower back stretch

Remember that stretching should loosen up your muscles, not tighten them. If the stretching hurts too much, slow down and minimize the number of repetitions.

Encourage Regular Movement

Even if you feel comfortable in your position, prolonged sitting or standing can lead to back pain. Plan several breaks in your boat outing to get up and walk around. After sitting in the same position for a while, stand up and perform a couple of simple stretches to keep your body limber. Break up the boating tasks to minimize repetitive stress on your muscles and joints.

Maintain Correct Posture

When you go through your boating responsibilities, you should try to maintain a correct posture. When you sit, keep your back straight but flexible and put your feet flat on the floor. When you stand, try to keep your back in a straight line and minimize locking your knees. When you lift or bend, be sure to put the weight on your legs, not your back. Fixing posture problems can take time, so give yourself a week or two to practice sitting and standing straight before your outing.

Install Ergonomic Seating

All the practice and stretching in the world may not prevent the damage caused by an uncomfortable seating arrangement. For the captain’s seat, consider installing an ergonomic chair. Ergonomic seating offers adjustable seating that you can sit in fully with your feet on the ground with support for your lower back and neck. If you cannot get ideal seating, buy a stadium seat or other thin cushion that can provide better support for your lower back or glutes.

Consider Professional Assistance

Keeping your back in great condition for boating takes the right gear, exercises and practices, but you might also need professional assistance. Chiropractors have an in-depth understanding of the movements that can lead to back pain, with options that can help you minimize stress and discomfort. When you search for a chiropractor, consider looking for a professional who also specializes in sports or boating.

Boating makes a wonderful pastime especially if you put in the time to make sure that you stay comfortable during and after the activity. By stretching, focusing on conditions that promote better posture and seeking help when you need it, you can have a wonderful experience with little worry about stiffness the next day.

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