West Marine “Deck Out Dad” Father’s Day Instagram Contest

sweepstakes-fathers-daybEnter for a chance to give your Dad a $500 waterlife makeover this Father’s Day

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West Marine, the world’s largest retailer of waterlife-related products, has announced a new contest aimed at gearing up Dad for a summer of fun on the water. If your Dad’s boating or fishing gear has seen better days, this may be the perfect opportunity to help him step up his game on the water this season (and help you score big points by winning a great Father’s Day gift for him!)


The 2015 West Marine “Deck Out Dad” promotion begins May 11, 2014 and ends June 19, 2015.

By simply posting pictures on the photo sharing social media site Instagram, you could help your Dad get some new boating or other water related swag this Father’s Day – $500 worth of West Marine products!

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Here’s how to enter:

  1. Post pictures on Instagram and tag to WestMarineInc
  2. Include the hashtags #westmarine and #deckoutdad
  3. Caption the photo with information about why your Dad deserves or needs a waterlife makeover

West Marine says that when judging photos they will give preference to pictures taken on or near the water. Photos of Dad can be funny or sentimental.

West Marine also shares some ideas for good photos:

Maybe dad will spend it on foul weather gear that doesn’t leak?  Or perhaps he could use new casual attire for a lunch by the beach. It could be used for new fishing equipment for the family or personal floatation devices that don’t look like they survived World War II. Whether the dad in your life is incredibly makeover-worthy or just a bit of a tightwad, we want to hear why he deserves to win new gear from West Marine.

Winners of the contest will be announced after Father’s Day on West Marine’s Facebook page.

If your Dad’s photo is selected as the winner, he’ll need to agree to participate in some brief promotions after the contest. The $500 gift card will need to be picked up at a local West Marine store where there will be a brief photo shoot of him shopping at the store. He must also agree to let West Marine to use the photos for promotional purposes.

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Diane Seltzer

View posts by Diane Seltzer
Diane is the founder of MyBoatLife.com as well as the boating lifestyle site for kids BoaterKids.com. Active in the boating industry, Diane has also led the marketing for multiple recreational boating businesses and startups.
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