Intracoastal Waterway Cruise – Day 9 in Georgetown SC

The Special K crew cruises on the Waccamaw River in South Carolina dodging rainy weather on their ICW journey

This guest post blog series details the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Cruise of two friends, Karen and George, as they cruise the east coast from Chesapeake Bay to the Florida Gulf Coast.

Wow… it’s hard to believe how far we have traveled already from Maryland, yet how much further we still have to go along the Intracoastal Waterway to arrive in Florida.

We left the beautiful setting of Village Harbor Marina in Hampstead, SC on Day 9 with overcast skies and an uncertain destination. 

The ICW in South Carolina is a scenic cruise through marshes, rivers and natural sounds. 

It is less densely populated then the ICW route in North Carolina, but is scattered with an assortment of stunning private homes and modest shanties. 

We skirted rain showers all around us as Special K serpentined down the Cypress Swamp of the Waccamaw River. The black waters and gray skies made for a creepy cruise.

View from the helm on board our 43 foot Viking, Special K, on our Intracoastal Waterway Cruise to Florida

In South Carolina the bridge tenders will often ask for vessel name and home port before granting access.

This day was a “washout”.  We ended the day early due to poor weather conditions.  We pulled into Georgetown Landing Marina in Georgetown South Carolina just off of the ICW at MM403.  This was the most “rustic” marina we have visited so far. 

The marine shop sells bait, tackle and a variety of boating supplies, in addition to offering free haircuts to the anglers (we did not get one). 

The marina caters predominately to sport fishing boats and as the evening skis began to clear, we enjoyed watching many arrive in time for the Blue fish fishing tournament.  With a $10,000 buy in you can only imagine the size and equipment of these spectacular boats.  The winner would take home a $100,000 cash prize. 

We hung out on the docks, relaxed and made a video demo of our pocket hose… man you would think we were getting some sort of commission on this silly thing we rave about it so much!
(full disclosure, this blog does get a small commission from purchases made through referrals with affiliate links)

Follow the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Cruise

Continue to follow their two week journey on this blog as Karen shares guest posts detailing each leg of their cruise along the Intracoastal Waterways.

See all the latest posts:
Intracoastal Waterway Cruise

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Diane Seltzer

View posts by Diane Seltzer
Diane is the founder of as well as the boating lifestyle site for kids Active in the boating industry, Diane has also led the marketing for multiple recreational boating businesses and startups.
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