Kid’s Ear Protection for Watching Fireworks Shows on the Water

Protect your kids from hearing loss during loud fireworks displays on the Fourth of July and holiday events with noise reduction headphones, earmuffs or earplugs

Whether it is fourth of July, Labor Day weekend or another holiday or special event, watching a fireworks display light up the sky from your boat is one of the most enjoyable things to do on the water for the entire family. And luckily for boaters almost every river, lake and harbor offers spectacular fireworks shows to enjoy on the water every year.

But the loud explosion of fireworks can be both scary and harmful for young kids, especially noise-sensitive kids. We should be careful to provide proper ear protection for kids so that the holiday tradition doesn’t damage little ears… and they can continue to enjoy one of our favorite summertime traditions.

Last year, admittedly, we anchored our boat WAY too close to the fireworks action. We definitely had a close view of the display over the water but it was extremely loud. You could literally feel the boom of some of the larger fireworks rock the boat at times.

Not only is it uncomfortable to lean your head back and look up at a fireworks display, but the noise was deafening (for both kids and adults). We held a towel over our daughter’s ears during most of the display to help block some of the noise.

What makes watching fireworks on the water worse is that the noise of fireworks vibrations can travel far, bouncing off boats and the water. Fireworks can exceed 140 decibels and noise at 85 decibels or above can damage hearing. Boaters also tend to view fireworks closer on the water, making the sound and vibrations stronger.

This year (with a young kid AND a new baby) we intend to get proper ear protection for the loud fireworks displays. So we’ve looked into noise cancelling headphones, noise reduction earmuffs and earplugs and found the following options for kids.

(by the way – these kids ear protection options are obviously good for watching fireworks on or off the water, as well as watching loud outdoor sporting events, concerts or air shows).

Ear Protection Options for Kids

Peltor 90553 Kid’s Earmuff
These lightweight kids earmuffs are designed to be comfortable for smaller heads on kids and are good for children or infants. They have a noise reduction protection of 22 (NRR 22). Available in PINK for girls or BLUE for boys on Amazon for $24.69 (and are highly rated with 4.7 out of 5 stars and 281 reviews!)


Baby Banz Hearing Protector Earmuffs
Banz ear protectors are supposed to be for kids 2 years old and older. They block harmful loud noises without shutting out other ambient sounds. The wide foam-filled cushions are supposed to be more comfortable so that the headphones don’t squeeze ears. Available in PINK or PINK CAMO for girls or BLUE or GREEN CAMO for boys on Amazon for $23.95 (good ratings with 4.1 out of 5 starts and 70 reviews)


Baby Banz Hearing Protector Earmuffs MINI
Specifically designed for babies and infants, these Baby Banz earphones are for ages 3 months to 2 years old. They are also designed with wide foam-filled cushions to be comfortable on little ears. Available in PINK for girls for $23.95 on Amazon.

Also available in BLUE for boys on Amazon


kids ear plugsMack’s Earplugs, Kids Size (Pair), 6-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)
Another option for kids ear protection, these silicone earplugs will reduce noise while also sealing out water (good option for boating and swimming). They have a noise reduction rating of 22 decibels and can be used for all kids age 6 and under (although not recommended for babies or infants). Available on Amazon for $14.69.


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Diane Seltzer

View posts by Diane Seltzer
Diane is the founder of as well as the boating lifestyle site for kids Active in the boating industry, Diane has also led the marketing for multiple recreational boating businesses and startups.
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